5 Tips for Driving more Qualified Leads

Create Content that Resonates with your Desired Audience

This is probably the most critical component of lead generation and yet we always seem to fall short on delivery. When creating meaningful content always think about how do I get people to say yes to what I am offering? What problem are you solving for the customer?

Leverage what you Know Best – Your Customers

Start connecting with your most successful customers.  If you have not done this, do it now! Personally interview them and find out what kind of success they’ve achieved with the help of your product or services. Develop case studies based on their results and share these studies with leads in the evaluation and comparison stages.

Reading about the success of your other customers, especially those who were facing similar obstacles, will likely push those prospects into positions where they’re ready to convert into real opportunities.

Analyze, Analyze, Analyze!

I am talking about user metrics here.  Analyze your data to determine which content and events would be most likely to convert your leads into customers. Review their activities throughout the sales engagement process, look for items that correlate with the highest close rates and adjust your conversion path to steer prospects along that same journey to success.

It still amazes me that even large corporations barely do this even though we have all the tools (even free) to properly capture and provide us insight to what is going on.

Leverage Multi-media

Another area where companies underutilize or even do not use is visual content.  I come across so many websites that with a little imagination can blossom.  The days of text-based, page after web page is dying rapidly. Let’s face it, we all suffer from ADD and it is increasingly difficult to capture someone’s attention.  Have a look at this great infographic that emphasizes my point.

Increase interest throughout the sales engagement by using more visual content, like videos, YouTube, podcasts, info-graphics, etc. You can convey a lot more information in a 30- to 60- second video than you can by having someone read the long copy. Videos on landing pages have been shown to increase conversion by up to 80 percent, and 64 percent of users who view video content are more likely to convert from a potential prospect to an opportunity.

KISS – Keep It Simple Silly

Just remember that your audience is looking to solve pains not world peace or climate change. A great example is Apple and IKEA who fundamentally understand that we like simplicity. Apple typically produces technology that is easy to use and IKEA provides functional furniture for the masses.



Who We Are

eLead is a boutique lead generation company that understands the entire sales life-cycle. We have a proven track record for obtaining desired results. With 2 decades of industry experience, we continue to improve our methodology and use the latest technology.

Still not convinced?  Here is a preview of some of our most successful sales campaigns:




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